Helping out at the Club

Christchurch Angling Club is run by volunteers, who give some of their free time for the management and development of the club. We are always looking for more volunteers, particularly for work parties. If you would like to help, please get in touch using the email links below or the Contact form on this website.

Work Parties

Making sure members can walk the path with an assembled 15ft rod

Want to spend some active time outdoors but not in the mood for fishing? We are lucky to have regular work parties to maintain our fisheries looking after everything from grass cutting, swim and platform building and repair, cutting back overhanging tree’s along with any other tasks which arise. We provide all the tools and essential safety equipment, but please bring your own gloves, food and refreshments.

Our work parties are split into three groups, Lakes and Ponds, Rivers and Game each keep in touch with work party members via a dedicated WhatsApp group. If you would like to help out and join the work parties, please email the organisers below or if you don’t have an email address then use our contact us form on the website and leave a contact number, and we will be in touch.

Lakes and Ponds work party email

Rivers work party email

Game work party email

If you would like to know more about helping out at the work parties, please contact the CAC team through our Contact us form.

Bailiffing Our Waters

Click image for contact details (membership required)

Every member has the right to ask anyone on our venues if they have the right to be there. Simply show your own membership on the Clubmate app and ask away, asking them to leave if they do not have membership. If there is anything you see that is of concern, and you feel uncomfortable dealing with it yourself, please contact the bailiff team through the Head Bailiff, the number is on your Clubmate members area.

We have an active group of members who volunteer to bailiff our waters, using the Clubmate app to check members and record members fishing our venues. The bailiffs also keep an eye out to make sure all is well with our waters, reporting any issues or maintenance requirements to the team. The bailiffs meet every two months and keep in touch through a dedicated WhatsApp group.

If you would like to help and join the bailiff’s team, please email the head bailiff or if you don’t have an email address then use our Contact us form on the website and leave a contact number, and we will be in touch.


Landline: 01202480009


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If you’d like to learn more about our club, membership or anything else, please get in touch.