2021/22 Match Results

Below you will find all the results of the matches held this season as they happen

All-Members Match Series

Wedgehill 23rd September

Eleven members were pegged on the Middle Pond. The morning was warm and sunny with little breeze and the fish were slow to feed. Sport improved for most as cloud-cover increased through the afternoon. Dave White (50lb 4oz) took carp steadily with most on the pole with float-fished pellet. Jon Bass (48lb 10oz) had a few larger fish to boost his weight and win ‘B’ section. Colin Seviour (30lb 4oz) was runner-up in ‘A’ section with some late fish on the dam wall and Dave Perkins (43lb 14oz) runner-up in ‘B’, unfortunately losing a few carp in the lilies beside peg 20.

There is now a three week break before the 5th All Members Match on Holtwood Thursday 14th Oct, draw 10am. Please book your peg by the Tues via Dave Perkins ( 07598861573).

Holtwood 16th September

Thirteen members attended on a calm sunny day. Shambles Pool produced modest catches of tench and crucians with Keith Rawling (6lb 12oz) including seven tench and Dave White (4lb 7oz) had two tench alongside small roach and perch. Millers Pool gave better sport with Alan Snook (18lb 7oz) an easy winner with tench on the method feeder, followed by Dave Perkins (9lb 2oz) with roach, rudd and perch on the whip.
The next All Members match is on Wedgehill (Thursday, 23rd September), draw 10am, fish 11am – 4pm. Members wishing to fish please book in with Dave Perkins by the Tuesday (07598861573).

Wedgehill 2nd September

Twelve members attended on Wedgehill middle pond and strangely the draw placed 3 on the same pegs as they fished in the recent Over-50s event. The day was overcast with a light cool easterly breeze and the carp were slow to feed. Best results came at opposite ends with Dave Perkins (65lb 2oz) building a good weight from unfancied peg 12 on the dam, the feeder
rod pulling round each time he poured some tea. Colin Seviour (62lb 0oz) had a less relaxing day trying to steer good carp away from the lilies in peg 20. Runners-up in their sections were Alan Snook (38lb 5oz) and Keith Rawling (24lb 3oz). It was noted that since early summer the condition of the carp has greatly improved.
The next scheduled All Members Match (Thursday 16th Sept) is moving to Holtwood as some roadside swims are being repaired at Hucklesbrook.
Those wishing to fish please book-in with Dave Perkins (07598861573) by the Tuesday before.

Holtwood 19th August

Twelve members attended on a calm overcast day with a little drizzle in the air. There was an even split of pegs between Shambles and Millers Pools. Fish responded well for the first 30 minutes then bites faded and weights were low but it made for a close result. Tench dominated on both ponds, with Keith Baker (5lb 10oz) followed by Jon Bass (5lb 6oz) on Shambles and Colin Seviour (7lb 1oz) ahead of Dave White (6lb 3oz) on Millers. Keith Rawling included one good crucian (1lb 8oz) from Millers and Shambles yielded half a dozen small ones.
The next scheduled All Members match is at Wedgehill (Thursday 2nd Sept), draw 10am, fishing 11:00-16;00. Please book in by the Tuesday with Dave Perkins (07598861573) if you wish to fish.

Over 50’s Series

Congratulations to Colin Seviour, 2021 Over 50s Series Champion!

7th Over-50s Match – Wedgehill (5th August 2021)

Fourteen members used all the fishable pegs on Wedgehill Middle Pond. The day was overcast and after two hours the drizzle turned to heavy showers with a blustery wind. John Read (72lb) on peg 17 caught carp steadily on method feeder through the afternoon to top A section. Dave Perkins (60lb) won B section on peg 23 also used method feeder to the island. Generally catches were better than in the previous matches with 6 weights over 50lbs , though some poor results were also recorded. Colin Seviour (53lb) included a fine 11lb common and secured the Leffman Cup with 9 points that included 4 section wins plus a second and third. Jon Bass (57lb) was Series Runner-up with 12 points (2 firsts, 3 seconds and a fourth), just overtaking Keith Baker with 13 points (2 firsts, 2 seconds, 1 third and 1 fourth).

Upcoming fortnightly matches are open to all CAC member with the first on Holtwood (Thursday 19th August), 11am draw. If you wish to fish, please contact Dave Perkins (07598861573) or Dave White (07719654103) by the Tues to book a peg. 

Hucklesbrook 22nd July 2021

In calm, hot and sunny conditions an algal scum presented an unpleasant problem as the match started. For the members nearest the car park a slight breeze improved things but the rest had a difficult day. Roach
and perch, including some good ones made up catches, with a few better perch lost at the net. Alan Snook (13lb 6oz) won A section with Colin Seviour (11lb 8oz) runner-up. Jon Bass (10lb 6oz) won B section just beating John Read (10lb 3oz).
Last match in the Over-50s Series is at Wedgehill (Thurs 5th August). Please book in by the Tues if you wish to take part through either Dave White (07719654103) or Jon Bass (01305 852585). Colin Seviour moved into a clear lead in the Series as Keith Baker was badly handicapped by the
peg with the thickest algae scum.
2021 Veterans Match  – Holtwood (14th July)

Ten members enjoyed this annual event in the warm sunshine at Holtwood, though catches were affected by the recent storms which had raised levels in all ponds. Keith Baker (10lb 1oz) continued in good form with lots of small roach and rudd from Millers 24 to comfortably win the Sir John Mills Trophy. Dave Perkins (7lb 1oz) was runner-up from Shambles 4 with a similar catch and Mike Gotobed (6lb 9oz) was 3rd with mainly small tench. Dave Perkins fired-up the BBQ and members enjoyed sausages, burgers and a modest drink afterwards provided by CAC as the Cup and prosseco were presented to Keith Baker. Fittingly, Dave Perkins also had a bottle of prosseco for being runner-up.

Next match in the Over-50s Series is at Hucklesbrook roadside bank (Thurs 22nd July), 11am draw. Please contact Dave White (07719654103) or Jon Bass (01305 852585) by Tues 20th July to book your peg.

Over-50s Wedgehill 8th July

Eleven members fished the middle pond in calm overcast conditions. Signs of carp activity faded before the match started and it was a generally frustrating day for most competitors. Colin Seviour had top weight (30lb 11oz) using a small method feeder taking carp at intervals throughout
the afternoon. Keith Baker (27lb 13oz) kept busy concentrating on roach and also took two nice carp on float-fished maggot. Third on the day was John Read (23lb 4oz) on peg 11 with method feeder carp. Several good fish were unavoidably lost in the expanding lilybeds. After 5 matches Keith Baker (9 section points) and Colin Seviour (11 points) moved further ahead in the Series and Colin can discard a larger penalty score in the best 6 of 7 Series.

Holtwood 24th June

Eleven members fished on a warm calm day with sunny intervals. Holtwood was looking great, with several repaired platforms, grass cut and strimmed. Catches were lower than in the previous Holtwood match with fewer tench though Colin Seviour (13lb 4oz) again easily won his section this time with roach on Shambles 4. Dave Perkins (6lb 14oz) made a welcome return celebrating with a section win from Millers Pool 26, taking small rudd plus two late tench.

Leading the Over-50s Series after 4 matches are Keith Baker and Keith Rawlings both with 9 points, followed closely by Colin Seviour (10 points) and Alan Snook (11points). Next match in the Series is at Wedgehill (Thurs 8th July), please contact Dave White (07719654103) or Jon Bass (01305 852585) to book your place.

Hucklesbrook 10th June

On a warm overcast day twelve members attended and most got off to a fast start with sport fading after two hours. Catches averaged over 6lb of mainly good size roach plus a few bonus tench. Jon Bass (17lb 4oz) had 3 tench to top-up his net of roach and lost a fourth tench. On the next peg Keith Baker (11lb 10oz) took roach narrowly beating Colin Seviour (11lb 8oz) who included one tench amongst his roach.
The next match in the Series is scheduled for Holtwood (Thurs 24th June). Those wishing to fish please book-in by the Tuesday through Dave White (07719654103) or Jon Bass (01305 852585)

Wedgehill 27th May

The latest match in the over 50s series was held at Wedgehill on Thursday 27th May

There was keen anticipation before the match as carp swum lazily around the middle lake basking in the warm sun. Surprisingly, few were willing to feed and were perhaps thinking about spawning. We always need an excuse when not catching much!

Dave White (26lb) drew the unfancied dam area to win with a modest catch, followed by Mike Gotobed (23lb 4oz) that include a fit bream that leapt a couple of time before being landed. The dual for 3rd ended in a draw (17lb) between Alan Snook and Keith Rawlings with Alan later discovering a small unweighed roach still in his silverfish net, oops! Keith kindly donated a set of digital scales for our use in future matches.

Members on the top lake and not in the match failed to catch any carp, but enjoyed the fine weather. Our next Over-50s event is on the roadside bank at Hucklesbrook on 10th June, pending the water re-opening in time (11am draw, fishing noon to 5pm).

Please book in through Dave White (07719654103) or Jon Bass (01305 852585) by Tues 8th June

Holtwood Pools 13th May

The best result at Holtwood for some years with all twelve members competing weighing-in a total of over 90lb. On his first CAC match Colin Seviour (21lb 8oz) had a clear win taking 10 tench on feeder from Millers Pool. Jon Bass (15lb 12oz) was runner-up fishing the pole for another 8 tench from Millers Pool. ‘Mr Reliable’ Keith Baker (11lb 6oz) was third taking mainly small fish from Shambles Pool closely followed by another newcomer Glyn Jones (10lb 12oz) and Keith Rawlings (10lb 9oz).

Members expressed their hope that Dave Perkins will be out of intensive care soon, on the road to recovery and looking forward to fishing again after his sudden illness. The next match in the Over-50s Series will be at Wedgehill (Thurs 27th May) with the draw at 11am, fishing noon until 5pm. In the short-term please book-in by the 25th May either through Dave White (07719654103) or Jon Bass (01305 852585). The top pond will remain unpegged and available to members not in the match.