
The lockdown once again means we cannot hold the usual AGM this year. The newsletter is our
way of keeping members up to date with the club’s business. The articles produced by the
committee will hopefully do that but if you believe we have overlooked an issue that is important
to you please let us know by contacting us via the clubs email address and we will answer you
There are a few actions that we would usually cover at an AGM as part of the club constitution.
We obviously cannot complete those formalities at a face to face meeting so I have outlined
below steps necessary to ensure the continued running of the clubs business in the absence of
formal voting.

Election of Officers
Normally all the officers would stand down annually and put themselves forward for re-election if
they wished to do so and give other members an opportunity to put themselves forward for a
committee position. The same applies to other Committee members who have served for two
As we cannot go through this formal process all the current officers and other committee
members have volunteered once again to continue to be part of the committee for another year.
If however any club members wish to volunteer to join the committee please feel free to contact
the office or another committee member.

Club Rules
The AGM is also an opportunity to debate proposed changes to the club Rules. There are no
amendments put forward on this occasion.
With no face to face AGM this year we welcome any questions/comments to be emailed into the
club office and subject it to AGM, Lorraine will then pass these
onto the relevant committee officer and we will either answer individually or post answers on the

Brian Stocker
Vice Chairman