At our recent AGM and during subsequent discussions the committee proposed numerous regulation changes relating to fish welfare. These were designed to ensure we remain a modern, progressive angling club. However, it is clear that passions run high across all sides of these issues and it is only right that, as representatives of the membership, the committee enables all members to have their say on these issues. 

As such, we will be facilitating a vote amongst the membership on the following:

  • The use of keepnets
  • The use of fish livebaits
  • The use of bait boats
  • The proposed introduction of minimum landing net sizes on specialist carp venues
  • The proposed requirement for cradle style fish care equipment rather than a flat mat on specialist carp venues

Voting in person will take place on Sunday 22nd October at Hurn Bridge Sports Club. Alternatively, voting via email will be made available and we are looking into the feasibility of voting slips being disseminated at our local tackle shops. If the latter is achievable, these will be collected and collated on the day of the vote. 

Further details, including the wording of the questions and email address/process for online voting, will be released in due course. We are announcing this now as we are obliged to give a minimum of four weeks prior notice of the event. 

Please note, all voting and attendance on 22nd October is strictly for current CAC members only. Each member will be limited to a single vote on each topic.

Many thanks,

The Committee