We are delighted to announce the return of our Junior Carp Day for 2023.

The event will take place on August 20th at Wedgehill. All anglers will be on the middle lake, hence the restriction on participants to 15. 

Like previous years, the event will be supported by a host of magnificent sponsors from the tackle and bait trades. The club will provide a BBQ and have experienced anglers on hand to offer tips and knowledge.

The draw will start at 09:00, fishing 10:00-15:00 with a BBQ to follow. Entry is FREE but an appropriate adult must be present throughout. Please ensure you turn up if you book or cancel if you can’t make it. These events are always over-subscribed and we’d hate for youngsters to miss out whilst spaces weren’t fulfilled.

Please only book on for the youngster, do not include the adult supervisor.

This is open to any junior or minor member or any youngster who has been added to a full member’s ticket. Please book tickets via our online booking system, under the category of ‘private events’.